The Yokomo BD7 1.5mm Hard Top Deck is made from 100% premium carbon fiber which utilizes a varying angle layup to provide an uncanny resistance to flexing / twisting. We recommend using this top deck to increase performance on medium to high bite track conditions.
- 100% Premium carbon fiber with a varying angle layup to increase stiffness.
- Cut with layup angles balanced left and right to insure equal twisting resistance side to side.
- Recommend for use on medium to high bite conditions.
- Typically when the team arrives at an asphalt track or a green carpet layout, we start with our hard 2mm chassis and a hard 1.5mm top deck. For the asphalt events, it is common that you will never change this configuration but on a green carpet track it will be very beneficial to go through your top deck range. After the first day on a green carpet track, your car will start to feel somewhat decent and this is a good time to think about putting on your kit top deck (We decided to not release our 2.0mm Soft Top Deck since everyone has a kit top deck to utilize). As the race continues, the traction keeps coming up, and your car feels better every time you hit the track. This makes it very difficult to judge when you should move to the 2.0mm Hard top deck. The best way we have found is to watch your lap times closely and if your calm laps are the same as your blazing fast hero laps, then it is time to change. This happens because your car is creating too much mechanical grip due to the twisting and causing your car to feel awesome but scrubbing a ton of corner speed.