Associated Aluminum Topshaft | B4 / Stealth

Associated Aluminum Topshaft | B4 / Stealth

Product Information

SKU: AV10062
Price: $25.00 $20.00
Est. Arrival (03-09-2025)

Product Overview

Associated owners can get the benefits of lower rotating weight for their Stealth ReRe, B4, T4, C4, and SC10 gearbox. The Associated Aluminum Topshaft is a drop-in replacement that will give you more punch, faster acceleration, and faster laps. Stock racers will love the 6.7g savings in rotating mass!


  • 7075 Aluminum Hard-Anodized Topshaft (weight 4.0g vs. 10.7g = 6.7 g rotating weight savings).
  • Includes spacer to be used on the newer B4 lines.
  • Direct replacement for ASC9601 and ASC9602.
  • Fits RC10WC ReRe, B4, T4, C4, SC10, SC10B, and newer models.

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